March 5th, 2024
Life for me has been crazy! I have never been more confused in my life. Truly, I'd have to say this is one of the biggest life decisions I've ever had to make... I am usually very confident with my decisions, but this one not so much.
First, let me give you a little back story.
I found this blank canvas for a yoga studio a year ago in Crowley. I fell in love! It was only 5 minutes away from my house, tall ceilings for aerial silks, and it's connected to a really cool smoothie and nutrition shop. He even told me he'd give me a discount rate of $2,000 a month my first year. Of course I was like "this is great! How much would it go up to be a market rent? No more than $200- $500 right?" And he assured me no more than $500. We signed a year lease to make sure I could do it and afford it and do well with a yoga studio in town, there was none within 30 minutes so I wasn't really sure if it would be popular or not in this area. I really just jumped into this opportunity and just hoped for the best! I was eager to move in and my landlord was eager to get me in.
So much so that he started construction without letting the city know first. Since we are connected to a Nutrition Shop he put a wall in the center with big glass doors to separate the two businesses. It took us about 6 months to get the construction approved and start the process. I had already announced a grand opening date LOL. So I had to be like never mind, and then wait 6 more months, but it finally happened, and we created the most gorgeous space in March of 2023.
We put some work into this space yall. I am talking weeks of pure hardwork and loving energy into this studio. My family and I took the blank canvas from this to this.

I've had a beautiful year in this space and I have met some friends I will likely have the rest of my life. I am FOREVER thankful for that and the community this studio has brought into my life. It is actually everything I could ever want. Just me and my friends moving and grooving together! I loveeee being here. I love having my own space. I love decorating and doing give aways, and pouring into this space.
We started noticing right away some issues like leaks every time it rained, gnats, and it was freezing on our side because the AC unit was on our side, and they only got air from us. Well, our windows had shades and theirs didn't just pure sun coming through so that was a huge issue at the beginning and through summer... We were always cold even while practicing yoga. The smoothie maker going off next door. It was so loud, and after the girl who normally worked left, two best friends started working together and it was LOUD. Like we can hear full conversations while we are practicing. I felt a sense of guilt because she was here first. It made me want to move, but she told me she was leaving soon so I powered through. My landlord was going to give me both sides. The past few months I've been planning to open GROOVY GRUB, a plant based healthy option smoothie, juice, tea and food place. I see it so clearly.
Well. in January I asked my landlord if he had talked to her yet and he said "Yeah, I offered her your side. She said no, so if you want both it will be $4999 a month." We had originally said $4000 for both and I had been planning to move in for months. It is also about $1000 for water, gas, electricity, trash for the full building.
So I asked...well how much would it be just for my side then?
He said "your 1300 sqft would go from $2000 to $3135."
So a $1335 increase are you kidding me? I was furious.
I said "You said it wouldn't go up more than $500!""
And he said "Do you have that in writing?"
I told him right then I was closing. That's toxic at its finest.
I knew that if I stayed here, I needed both sides at a rate that was fair. The ceilings don't go all the way up since it is in the same building and you can hear all the noises, so it really needs to be a quiet space in here. I just felt so called to step away. I posted that I was closing and finding a new location. Actually, let me get the exact words of this post so you can really feel out this situation....
"I received some very sad news today.
Unfortunately, my rent at the studio is going up by 50%.
I’m very uncomfortable with that amount and have had so many issues with my landlord and the building that I’m feeling like it’s time to step away. I LOVE our studio, but one of the best things is we can always see the light in our situations. Right now the space I’m envisioning for us doesn’t even compare to what we are in now!
Our next space is coming soon i feel it but for the next little while, i will have to close down with that big of an increase, it doesn’t seem worth it. We can and will find somewhere better!
The last day will be March 23rd.
My lovely yoga family, something perfect WILL come for us! Love y’all so much. Thank you for all your support & beautiful energy the past year. Grateful as ever for this past year with y’all..thank you for your understanding! Come move and groove with us before we close
We will definitely be having yoga classes this summer on my land so stay tuned for updates."
I also posted this to my hometowns page. He calls me midnight valentines day saying he is going to sue me for defemination. Of course, I delete it from the hometown page but not my personal, that was not my intention to drag his name through the mud. However, people have to know what happened and he is a part of the reason. My classes and studio are thriving, and everyone's confused how we are closing... well it's because our rent went up by 50% and I have issues with my landlord and this building.
Something about me, I am an open book. I openly talk about what is happening in my life, all the things. I want my people to know what is going on. That's why I am here, telling my side, and while I do that, I am also trying to say his side. There is always 2 sides to every story, and I know he has some great points.
He says that I am not telling the whole story and he gave it to me way cheaper than market rent and now he's raising it to what is worth, and he built a wall for me to split the business up and that cost a lot. He is losing money on this building just for me to stay open. So that is his side. I see that 1000000%.
This is all true... But over a 50% increase my first year is still disrespectful and I am not paying that. And there are many other buildings, actually almost all, that are cheaper than what I am getting quoted.
Unfortunately, even with our full classes and events, we can't afford that rate. Reminder that we only have 13 ground spaces and 8 silks and not much room to grow here.
I had a commercial advisor reach out to me to come look at my space. He originally quoted me $3,333. I said I was happy with that price and if he could get my landlord to take that, I'd stay. So, he calls my landlord and said he will handle our interactions from here. He calls me back a few days later and says, "After research, what he is quoting you is what market rent is." I felt like dang ... really? Everything else I was looking at was cheaper, but possibly cause I am on Main Street. So, since that was "market rent" or so I thought, I reached out to my members and asked about a membership increase to stay. They all said yes which got me so excited! The advisor types out a letter of intent for my landlord and then when I asked him how I would pay him he says, "Don't worry about it, your landlord said he would pay me if you stayed." I kinda felt blindsided like are you working for me or him and why are you getting paid monthly if I stay? Just felt very off.
These sleezy dudes are messing with the wrong girl.
I truly believe the universe has my back. I even flipped a coin, twice, and it said to leave. At this point I think it's saying RUN.
I had 2 other commercial realtors come out and told me that's $3o a square foot and way too high for this area. I felt so dang sad, but excited for what's on the other side of this.
Even after every single member said they would take an increase.... It didn't feel right. I refuse to pay almost double what market rent is just for us to stay. I truly believe we will find better, way better.
I found a space in Burleson, and if you aren't familiar with my town, this is a nicer area than where I am currently at. Weirdly, the man who is selling my old house is the commercial realtor for it, and guess what he is quoting this building- $3700 a month! That's $1,666 cheaper than if I was staying where I am at.
A way bigger space, and way nicer area. and closer to my new place too. This isn't the space I will transform but it gave me a great idea of how overpriced my space is and inspired me for where we could be. The possibility is truly endless.
I have had a lot of heavy days trying to figure out which direction to go, and as much as I don't want to move, I know it is what is best. I am ready for the next adventure baby! Lets go! <3
Thank you guys for being here. I love you dearly!
I will truly miss this space. It has been a great year for The Groovy Yoga Studio!
Stay tuned cause we aren't done here. There is so much to come, I can promise you that.
Much love - Natalie Young